
Concerning love

I dislike
Why again the beginning announce the east that I write by myself in the space east

Really because work demand, toughen own writing level

Canning not write is original and also want to write to order most at least false original

Everyone sees the headline know, will what to announce is me on the work, living first-class etc., particularly dislike of thing

Not in the useless talk go into a positive

Concerning work up of

Dislike:Flatter to flatter, flatter, intrigue against each other

Although it is said now this the society is a these people arrangement, but I still can hardly accept.So always work up is all so-so, the nothing is outstanding.The doing of honesty his/her own matter

Feeling, sometimes wanted as well why I can not become that kind of people?The Wu understood too much to oneself, the end died of most miserably of still I, use my mama to say that my that sentence says BE:"Have never paid

Lead the frog of hole", so want to still keep calculating, stand on solid ground of should do what do what!

Concerning living

In fact and livingly have a lot, still can not recall right away

Dislike a:Fight,

If I fight with other people, I will never win and fight to ten times lose ten times, a lot of words all say not export, and eloquence also not good.The most important is to don't finish fighting, I will cry!Sit to the gold cattle

I and speech, I particularly would not like to the other people see my tears, I would like to give what him saw is an all very intimate person.I the most time only get stuffy air, mouth a shut.Who all don't want to manage, from

F a person quietly dazes or listens to song at or order other things.

Dislike two:Force

Most dislike other people to force I do, I don't like of thing.Although sometimes have regard for to arrive very aspect and do, the heart is still disgusting.

Dislike three:Network

I why write a network, so more overall.I the work in nowadays rove around on the different website and do publicity and do a chain to answer and sometimes rove around a different nation and run into I don't understand

Of language, I the meeting is very depressed.(Although I only understand Chinese)the tool translate for me, none of things of machine translation is correct.Impression some identification yards are most deep, some nets

Station for testing your being not a robot is registering, will have.The great majority still we understand English letter of alphabet ABC still has Arabic numerals 123.I have the time the previous Russian website, I turn over

It asks me after translating to come over:"Your mother calls what name"!Whether especially depressed?

What to chat aspect is the QQ that sees this you is clearly on-line and delivers an information past, waited for the people whom none of a days returns!It is ex-1 to still have be still chatting suddenly will you wait for for a 10 several 20 minutes to return

The Fu gives yours, have no time and then say don't tie up your chat, either!

Living the top in fact still has the a lot of, this 3:00 just thinking of now dislikes most , hereafter think of at make up deficiencies come!

Concerning friendship

In fact the friendship nothing writes so much of, treating all of friends is sincerely to it.May be that I am colder, the friendship sometimes walks especially quick.The long so big friend is also a classmate and separate longly

Everyone hardly contact.As time passes was good friends with before, end all have no before so good.Don't know what reason, is my still yours?Or that old words say want to hand over well

12 sincerely the friend is still really difficult!

Concerning love

Dislike:Cheat, conceal, lies

Love these two words give my first feeling BE, lies, cheat.Ever there was segment to myself deep-rooted feelings road, for the first time opened heart to accept a my body that person indeed harmed don't finish

Skin.No wonder that the other people say:The thing of bitterness, what the first think of is first love.

Don't feel a few words that I write now, think that I am to the confidence that the love loses.Treat love of that sincerely I or as formerly similar, belong to my true life Emperor.One day God meeting

Send him to me nearby of, have been believing firmly?.

I mean to say you didn't beat me, I didn't deprave.You just cheated to order my tears and cheated my at 1:00 sincerely.It is thus clear that I am really to love you!Have no you, I as usual live

Very good, don't feel that I don't have others to accompany?Think, I still forget not to drop you!That you considered as correct too much!

Love I ain't for clapping to drag along but clapping to drag along, for getting married but clapping to drag along, for canning organize a happy family but clap to drag along.The always insistent aim is to rather go without than have something shoddy!

The word isn't a lot of, but finally finishes writing and finished seeing announce your opinion!

Touching life story The Sleepless Saint To Autumn The Road Not Taken Every Day is a Lucky Day

Posted by yooyoo at 12:37│Comments(0)