
conditioning heating

During the winter, cold and dry air, indoor air-conditioning heating, easy to take the baby hair in the water, made him the hair becomes dry, weak and even rupture. The winter electrostatic is troubled baby hair is one of the. Not only can let the baby hair loss of usual health, but also the dust adsorption effect of clean. Baby in winter hair can arise electrostatic, first with dry weather related with shampoo, conditioner, second is the improper.johnson baby shampoo

Therefore, to get rid of electrostatic, must first solve the problem of baby hair drying. Parents should choose a high degree of moisture, and the packaging must be marked with the third party testing agencies to red droplets no tears formula sign of baby shampoo, the shampoo is the only such high moisture, safe, gentle, qualified. For example, parents are more trusted brands Johnson baby shampoo, have this mark, but also rich in natural honey, malt extract rich in vitamins, clean your baby's hair at the same time, in his hair to form a layer of film, reduce the friction between the hair, make hair oil, light, elastic, get rid of the winter dry electrostatic damage!JOHNSON Shampoo

Besides shampoo, mother-infant editor also includes some how to reduce electrostatic disturbance method in winter, I hope that parents reference!

1, if the winter baby hair is too long, and even shaved not warm, it tied into small braids, or hair rub against each other, meet the dry cold wind, will make it soon produce electrostatic.

2, to avoid baby wearing a sleazy, easily electrostatic fiber type clothes, clothing fabric if chemical fiber fabrics, can use antistatic detergent washing.

In 3, mother with Johnson baby shampoo to the baby after shampoo, can also use hand gently along the baby in the direction of the hair growth to massage the scalp, hold to for a long time, can improve blood circulation, so that the baby's hair full, tough, but also to a certain extent reduces the occurrence of static electricity.L-Carnitine

4, give the baby to wear cotton or silk products, underwear, quilt cover, bed sheets, inner liner of the hat also should choose cotton or silk products.

In 5, the indoor environment is also very important, to maintain a certain humidity, wash mop. Or air humidifier used to air driving; multiple placed green plants and potted, can reduce the air drying brought the baby to electrostatic trouble.

Posted by yooyoo at 12:49│Comments(0)