
again hairdressing

The anti- is old to keep Yan in spring of soup in brief again hairdressing
Spring summer it hands over weather aridity, not very good to people's skin, in addition to daily drinking and cosmetics, food's repairing water is also a kind of good path, small plait introduces some Jings soups that has already repaireds water anti- old effect for everyone today and is a beauty with delicate water.Princess of Wales

White fungus soup

Material:Do white fungus the 15 grams and fresh bulb of lily is 120 grams of, the banana is 2, matrimony vine 5 grams of seasonings:The rock sugar is 100 grams of, water is 3 cups.

Create a step:1,Biography stem white fungus bubble water 2 hour, the Jian tores into a small behind to old Di and miscellaneous quality and fill with water 4 cups go into the steamer steam half to take out a back up for hour.

2, the fresh bulb of lily poke aside to wash go to old Di clearly to.

3, the banana wash skin, slice for the 0.3 cm crumb.

4, put all materials into to braise Zhong in, add a seasoning into the steamer and steam half for hour then.

Regulation:If the soup doesn't want to do a lot at a time, otherwise stay overnight or put for a long time, the nourishment material will have been already run off.

Ji fish soup

Material:The Ji fish is a , the bean curd is a box of, is 3 slices of, the spring onion is 3, oil, salt, pepper, anticipate wine, essence of chicken

Create a step:1, the Ji fish opens Tang internal organs, go to scale go to gill(fish file the completion of staff member), wash,clearly put on stem, use salt and anticipate wine to slightly preserve~ in salt to need to be used.

2, the bean curd cut into one Li rice thick piece of

3, the earthenware cooking pot burn heat and put into a little amount oil and put the Ji fish into, fried go to both sides to present a golden color.

4, join spring onion

5, join enough boiled water(5 bowls of or so)

6, add a cover, turn small fire(if wanting a soup color is snow-white, use wildfire Bao for 10 minutes) after boiling, the Bao is 40 minutes

7, join bean curd, again cook for around 5 minuteses, add salt and pepper, essence of chicken seasoning then.The finished product
Peanut pig's knuckles soup

Material:The Ji fish is a , the bean curd is a box of, is 3 slices of, the spring onion is 3, oil, salt, pepper, anticipate wine, essence of chicken

Create a step:1, the Ji fish opens Tang internal organs, go to scale go to gill(fish file the completion of staff member), wash,clearly put on stem, use salt and anticipate wine to slightly preserve~ in salt to need to be used.

2, the bean curd cut into one Li rice thick piece of

3, the earthenware cooking pot burn heat and put into a little amount oil and put the Ji fish into, fried go to both sides to present a golden color.

4, join spring onion

5, join enough boiled water(5 bowls of or so)

6, add a cover, turn small fire(if wanting a soup color is snow-white, use wildfire Bao for 10 minutes) after boiling, the Bao is 40 minutes

7, join bean curd, again cook for around 5 minuteses, add salt and pepper, essence of chicken seasoning then.

Sea tangle sparerib soup

Material:The pork steak bone is 400 grams of, the sea tangle is 150 grams of, and the spring onion segment, slice and refined salt, rice wine and scented ointment are just the right amount each.

Create a step:1, after soaking sea tangle, put to steam to invite half an hour inside the cage Ti, take out to soak for 4 hours with the clear water again, thoroughly bubble hair after, wash control water clearly to, cut into a rectangle piece;The show

2, the sparerib washes cuts open with the knife agreeable bone clearly and, horizontal chop into the segment of about 4 Li rices, go into boiling water of in the pot cook once, get to use bubble to clean.

3, clean pot of inside join 1000 grams of clear waters, put into a sparerib, spring onion segment, slice and rice wine, burn Fei with the prosperous fire, the Pie floats Mo and open again to use medium the fire Men burn about 20 minutes and pour into a sea tangle piece, again burn Fei with the prosperous fire for 10 minutes, Jian go to slice, spring onion segment, add a refined salt seasoning, pour into scented ointment namely become.

Posted by yooyoo at 12:30│Comments(0)